Amalgi App

App Design
Amalgi App Project Thumbnail. Introductory screen and Sign in screen.
Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe XD, Miro
Project Type
App Design

Client: Self

Role: UX/UI Designer

What is the Amalgi app?

Amalgi was born out of my realization that LGBTQIA+ fundraisers, especially those for trans individuals, often struggled to gain visibility and make an impact on platforms like Twitter.  I envisioned Amalgi as a dedicated fundraising app tailored for LGBTQIA+ people. The app serves as a vital platform, empowering individuals within this community to amplify their voices and garner support for their financial needs, ensuring that their fundraising efforts are not overshadowed or overlooked amidst the multitude of other campaigns. Amalgi stands as a beacon, fostering inclusivity and providing a meaningful outlet for the LGBTQIA+ community to access aid and initiate story sharing.


Many fundraising efforts are done in order to attain financial aid and help through public platforms. There are numerous unhoused LGBTQIA+ people that do not have the social capital to effectively fundraise.


I engaged in three user interviews with diverse individuals aligned with this community. Additionally, I conducted a survey using Google Forms to gather insights into the interests and preferences for a fundraising app. Analyzing and synthesizing the responses, I aimed to incorporate aligned feedback into the design of my app. This included prioritizing simplicity with vibrant and colorful layouts, introducing personalized navigation filters, and ensuring user-friendly functionality.


In designing the app, my goal was to provide a space where individuals across the LGBTQIA+ spectrum could promote their fundraisers using various tags. This allows people with different needs, whether it's housing, medical aid, or education, to categorize and showcase their fundraisers effectively. I also wanted to address a common issue seen on many platforms – newly created content often gets overlooked unless it quickly gains traction or aligns with algorithms. To tackle this, I incorporated a spotlight for recently created fundraisers, ensuring they don't fade into obscurity. Additionally, I made sure to highlight local fundraisers when users search for ways to contribute, creating a more community-oriented and supportive environment.

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