A Little About Me, Jeremie!

Jeremie Candio posed in front of a bricked wall and smiling in semi-formal attire.

Hello! My name is Jeremie and I am multimedia designer with a focus on using research to meet the core values of communities in need through the use of community-centered design practices. Through design, I hope to promote and establish equitable opportunities and experiences for marginalized communities and provide them a voice through design mediums. With knowledge in branding, advertising, UX, and UI, I understand the importance of approaching users through a human-centered design lens providing empathy to users. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Design with a concentration in interaction design from CUNY Queens College.

Whether it's leisurely traveling, playing games, or listening to my favorite music artists you can count on me to make sure I am taking it all in. When I'm old enough I'd love to open up a tea shop.

Email: J.candio11@gmail.com

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